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M-Pro Products - A Michigan based manufacturing company. We offer support in product design, prototyping and production.
M-Pro Services - Thermoforming consultation division. Over 50 years of combined thermoforming experience.
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CLEANShot Feedback

2020 test car feedback
"After 3 years of searching and exchanging every imaginable part we finally found an answer. Many hours were spent adjusting and trying different methods of tuning the carburetor looking for a fix to cure hesitation issues. A hesitation issue would occur, at the most inopportune time effecting reaction times and consistent ET’s leading to lost rounds. Finally, A new product, the CLEANShot intake has eliminated the issue by stabilizing the engine fuel delivery for a consistent and reliable clean launch at the starting line. Resulting in consistent 60 foot times and leading to consistent ET’s.
Purchasing a CLEANShot intake is well worth the investment. It changed the course of our racing season at the very end. Albeit, if available sooner, it would have been a season game changer."
-Team Dittenber Racing